Wedding Vows: When and How to Renew Your Wedding Vows

Renewing wedding vows is an increasingly popular way to celebrate the life you and your spouse are building. Whether you have been married for a few years or a few decades, renewing your vows is a romantic way to show your spouse and your friends and family that your love is growing and your marriage is fulfilling. 

Key Take Away:  

Because vow renewal is a personal choice, not a legal requirement, you and your spouse have many options. There is no correct year to renew your vows, and the ceremony's details can be as unique as your relationship.   

When to Renew Wedding Vows

There is no specific 'correct' time to renew your wedding vows. Whenever you and your spouse feel you should recommit to each other IS the right time. However, there are a few times that are often chosen, such as, 

  • A specific milestone anniversary-10, 20, 25, or 50-year marks are popular choices. 

  • You and your spouse have come through a difficult time in your marriage, and you want to reaffirm your commitment. 

  • You did not have the wedding you wished for, so you are making it up to each other. 

wedding celebrant assisting in wedding celebrations

How to Renew Wedding Vows

One of the easiest parts of wedding vow renewals is there are no strict rules involved. The moment can be as elaborate or simple as you like. Keep in mind that a meaningful affair can take as much planning as your original wedding, so there are a few steps to help you bring your day to life. 

  • Work with a wedding celebrant to ensure a meaningful event that revolves around you and your spouse's personalities. 

  • Decide what atmosphere you want. The options are almost endless, and you are calling the shots. You only have to please your spouse and yourself for your wedding vow renewal. (Great-Aunt Ida does not have to sing a solo this time.) 

  • Choose who you want in attendance. Would you like an intimate gathering of family and close friends? Do you want a lavish party? Perhaps something in between is what you would like? Your celebrant can offer valuable advice in this (and many other) facets of your recommitment. 


How Much Does it Cost to Renew Wedding Vows?  

The cost of vow renewal can vary significantly depending on the specifics of your ceremony size, location, reception, and other details. Tommy Moss Celebrant packages start at $750 for Monday-Thursday ceremony and $1,500 for Friday-Sunday. Packages are an ideal way to contain the costs of your special day while enjoying a personalised ceremony that captures the heart of your relationship. 

tommy moss wedding celebrant reading vows

Can You Change Your Wedding Vows?  

Even though it is called a vow renewal ceremony, you are not obligated to recite the same vows used at your wedding. Unless you and your spouse would like to use them, it is all up to you and your spouse. Most couples renewing their vows are delighted at the prospect of a relaxed atmosphere with no expectations to meet. Once again, there are no set rules for a recommitment ceremony. Additionally, the vow renewal events are not legally binding, and no paperwork is required to be completed.  

Some Popular Ideas for Vow Renewal 

  • Write your vows to each other based on the insight you have gained over the time you have been married. These can be serious, romantic, or have a touch of humour involved. Strive to match tones. Promising your spouse chocolate every Sunday will sound odd if your spouse promises you undying and eternal devotion. 

  • Excerpts from meaningful poetry, music, or spiritual sources are a lovely addition to your wedding vows. These often are great ways to jump-start your creativity when composing your vows.  

  • You can consider bringing your family and friends into the ceremony by inviting them to speak about special moments they have been a part of in your marriage or how you inspired them through your marriage. Fun stories are also welcome in this setting. 


How a Wedding Celebrant Can Help with Your Vow Renewal Ceremony 

There are a number of ways a celebrant can work with you to make your vow renewal ceremony unforgettable. 

  • Bringing a Sense of Professionalism- Even the most relaxed atmosphere benefits from feeling like someone is at the helm. A celebrant prevents the event from devolving into chaos. At the same time, they will create an unforgettable moment for you and ensure that all your guests are enjoying themselves.  

  • Personalisation- Many couples regret that their wedding contained little of themselves and a great deal of what they believed was supposed to be a part of the day. A celebrant will work with the couple to ensure the ceremony reflects their style.  

  • Bring Together Vital Elements- Celebrants are experienced in uniting various customs, family members, and the couple's wishes into a beautifully cohesive event. 


Need an Expert Wedding Celebrant?

A thriving and lasting marriage is certainly something worth celebrating, and a vow renewal is the ideal way to capture the joy and love you feel. Whether you imagine a beach, a winery, or your own backyard, you are free to be as non-traditional as you choose. 

To make your day even more special, enlisting the skills of a celebrant is ideal. For more information, contact Tommy Moss. Then, be prepared to be amazed at how he brings your wishes and dreams to life. 


How to Write Wedding Vows: A Complete Guide